Baptism of a Child Request Form
Child's Details
Christian Names
Last Name
Date of Birth
Proposed Date of Baptism
Parents Details
Mother's Full Name
Mother's Phone
Mother's Email
I Undertake, by God's help, to ensure that this child is instructed in the Christian faith by word and good example, and to encourage him/her to learn to worship God, to pray to him, to trust in him, and to take part in the life of the church.
I agree
Father's Full Name
Father's Phone
Father's Email
I Undertake, by God's help, to ensure that this child is instructed in the Christian faith by word and good example, and to encourage him/her to learn to worship God, to pray to him, to trust in him, and to take part in the life of the church.
I agree
Home Address
Marriage of Parents
Name of Godparent 1 (leave blank if not needed)
Name of Godparent 2 (leave blank if not needed)
Name of Godparent 3 (leave blank if not needed)
Name of Godparent 4 (leave blank if not needed)